How Market Kurly Drove a 118% Increase in Web-to-App Engagement

Users connect with brands across more channels, platforms, and devices than ever before. Statista forecasts that by 2020, there will be around 6.58 network-connected devices per person around the globe — almost double the number from 2015. While this gives companies more opportunities to reach consumers, it also presents a problem: increased digital fragmentation leads to broken user journeys, poor user experiences, and inaccurate measurement of marketing campaign performance.

Market Kurly, a grocery shopping platform in Korea with a user base of over 2M members and $132M in annual sales, knew the importance of solving this fragmentation challenge. From its initial days of inception, the Market Kurly team was focused on building seamless user experiences across channels and platforms, and emphasized the need to measure performance across these platforms accurately.

Solving Fragmentation Through Deep Linked Web-to-App User Experiences

Capturing a user on web costs 82% less than driving an app install, but native mobile apps drive 3x more sales than mobile websites. Market Kurly views the mobile web as its best performing acquisition channel, but maximum user engagement and conversion resides within its app. To bridge the gap between the most efficient acquisition channel and the most effective conversion channel, Market Kurly turned to Branch’s Journeys solution.

Driving Increased Engagement Through Seamless User Experiences

Journeys enabled the marketing team at Market Kurly to craft personalized, web-to-app smart banners that drive mobile web users directly to desired in-app content and a/b test them to optimize the user experience and performance.

In just two clicks, a mobile website visitor is seamlessly routed through install to the native app where they are more likely to engage and convert.
Optimizing Paid Ad Campaign Performance Through Accurate Attribution

In addition to driving app installs from their own website, the Market Kurly team also leverages paid advertising through platforms such as Naver and Kakao — top-ranked platforms with the highest active users in Korea. With Branch’s Universal Ads solution, the team was able to improve the ad experience by seamlessly routing users with the app installed to the in-app product page while users without the app installed are taken to the mobile web:

At the same time, these complex user journeys and conversions that legacy systems miss began to show up where they belong with Branch’s  Attribution.

So far, the Market Kurly team has achieved some impressive results, including an impressive 118% increase in cross-platform (web-to-app) engagement. But don’t take our word for it — read the full case study to see why Market Kurly switched to Branch.

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