Apple Search Ads, meet Branch

We are proud to be an Apple Search Ads Partner. This elite status enables Branch to offer advanced ad attribution insights using data directly from Apple Search Ads, so you can reliably track performance of your Apple Search Ads campaigns.

Let Branch expand your horizons

Apple Search Ads is one of the most powerful tools in a modern marketing toolbox.

Today, 65% of all downloads follow an App Store search, but to accurately monitor the results of your campaigns to meet business objectives, it’s important to look at the full picture. As a sophisticated marketer, you want to compare results across many ad networks. To truly measure the impact of your campaigns, you also need to deduplicate conversions from channels like organic search, social and web.

By combining Apple Search Ads data with Branch’s exclusive cross-channel link graph, you will fully uncover the true drivers of user activity across your ad networks and channels.

Branch is a recognized Apple Search Ads Partner.

Apple Search Ads only distinguishes an exclusive group of best-in-class mobile attribution companies with the Apple Search Ads Partner classification. This means Branch’s attribution engine uses the highest quality Apple Search Ads data available.

Learn more here

Complete Apple Search Ads measurement

Evaluate the true impact of your campaigns with keyword-level insights and the industry’s most accurate cost-per-event metrics. Our comprehensive cost data includes effective CPI, CPC, CPA, ROI, and cross-platform ARPU metrics so you can understand the full ROI of your ad campaigns.

Cohorts for everything

Branch’s sophisticated cross-platform, cross-channel cohort solution allows you to compare metrics individually for each channel and platform together to get the full, cross-platform picture of your mobile ad performance. We give you greater visibility into which campaigns are working, and unique insights to help optimize your campaigns for maximum results.

See the whole picture

Traditional measurement partners can measure Apple Search Ads together with other ad networks, but Branch goes much further: we let you compare every acquisition channel you have, from ads to email to organic search, helping you to understand which of your marketing campaigns are working most effectively.

More than bean counting

Thousands of top brands trust Branch to power outstanding experiences designed to surprise and delight. With Branch, we don’t just send you a conversion report and a monthly bill—we’re here to help you grow at every step of the way.

Easy dashboard configuration

With Branch’s quick, out-of-the-box set-up, all installs and opens registered from this channel will automatically be tagged, and attribution data is available on the Branch dashboard summary page.

Measurement for Apple Search Ads is available from Branch as part of the Universal Ads product. You’ll also get support for hundreds of other top ad networks, powerful deferred deep linking, and the best data export API in the industry.

Learn more about Branch Universal Ads


Traditional Provider

Deduplicate claims for conversion credit between Apple Search Ads and other ad networks.

Automatic attribution for Apple Search Ads, without tracking links or tags.

Compare Apple Search Ads results against other ad networks.

Measure conversions in your app.

Evaluate campaign performance down to the keyword level.

Ingest cost data to evaluate success of different campaign types and compare CPIs across ad networks.

Measure conversions on your website using the Branch Web SDK.

Compare Apple Search Ads against organic search, social, web-to-app, and more.

Predictable MAU-based pricing tiers.

Self-serve account configuration.