Pitch Branch to your Dev Team – Talking Points

You’ve seen the light: you want your dev team to integrate Branch. We do, too, so we’ve prepared five talking points that’ll turn skeptical colleagues into deep linking believers.

pitch-to-your-devs1. Simple Deep Linking

iOS and Android apps usually have different URI schemes and structures, because in many organizations, they’re developed by separate teams. A deep link formatted for your iOS app’s URI structure might not work for your Android app. Branch links work everywhere, even on desktop. You and your users share content seamlessly.

2. Hosted Redirects

We know when to deep link and when to redirect. On-click, our massive database of cookies determines whether the user has the app. We’ll open the app if they have it. If they don’t, we’ll push them to your mobile website, the app store, or any other place you choose. You have complete control, and you don’t have to setup the redirect servers, build the logic, and cookie millions of users to get it. New users get a better first experience, too.

3. Links For All Channels

Branch links are cross-channel. Unlike most deep link providers, Branch links are instantly recognized and treated as native by all the major players across the web because they work with Facebook Open Graph tags and integrate with popular advertising channels.

4. Growth Analytics

Branch makes it easy to attribute your users and see where they’re coming from. Our links work everywhere from paid traffic to social to search and organic. We present a complete picture your user base, giving you a bird’s eye view of growth.

5. Branch Plays Nice

Branch doesn’t hide or hold your data, and we don’t collect any personal data. Hash any info you pass to us. Export your user data from our dashboard in real time. Push Branch data into your external tools without writing a single line of code. Your data, your rules.

Have ideas that make this pitch stronger? Let us know below.